Sanderband KB as filament structure band

Sanderband KB

Sanderband KB is a polyester textile strap; the more polyester yarns, the bigger the strap width and the higher the resulting breaking strength. An overview of available Sanderband KB types can be found in the table below: 

Item code

Item number
Breaking strength
Strap width
Length per coil
Core ID
KB300 12 KB300-2000 300 9 2,000 76 yellow
KB399 12 KB399WW-1100 390 12 1,100 76 white
KB400 12 KB400-1500 400 12 1,500 76


KB469 12 KB469WW-900 460 15 900 76 white
KB500 12 KB500-1200 500 15 1,200 76


KB509 12 KB509WW-1200 500 15 1,200 76 white
KB579 12 KB579WW-700 570 17 700 76 white
KB750 12 KB750-700 750 17 700 76


KB1000 12 KB1000-500 1000 22 500 76


KB1400 12 KB1400-150 1400 31 150 76


KB2000 12 KB2000-100 2000 35 100 76
